Monday, March 31, 2008


So I finally decided to start "blogging". It's not much of a doing-like-everyone-else-on-the planet thing, but more of a little experience, something I wanted to try for a while.

To start things up, might as well describe myself as of now (perhaps this could serve as a comparison point in a distant future). I’m a 19 year-old dude and a full-time student. I study History at Université de Montréal, it’s my first year and I love it: people are nice, classes are interesting and challenging. People mostly recognize me with my ridiculous amount of curly hair, it’s my pride and joy, perhaps an obsession, but hey, live with it; it’s not going to be cut anytime soon. I also have a few passions, which include snowboarding, playing guitar, music, gaming, buying stuff, shoes, hair, and talking about FLs. I would also consider myself to be a chronic procrastinator. Not that I don’t like to work, but wasting time has such a strong appeal to me, what can I say! All these things didn’t prevent me from having a girlfriend, surprisingly. Her name is Virginie and she’s a gem.

I had to make a choice regarding which language I was going to write this blog in. I chose English (obviously) because I think it’ll give an easier time to my English-speaking friends (who suck at speaking French) and it probably won’t matter to my French-speaking friends (most of them are perfectly bilingual anyway). If not, excusez-moi, je vais surement lâcher un “tabarnak” pour vous une fois de temps en temps! In addition, doing so will give me a chance to practice my written English, a thing that I don’t do often enough, in my opinion.

I think that’s all I have to say for now, I hope some people can actually enjoy reading this, if not, at least it’ll serve me as a personal journal, recording my hair’s crazy adventures.


PS. I want to thank RedSlime for giving me the idea of doing this, I follow his example. You fucking bastard.