As silly as it may seem, I feel like cutting my hair would me a great way to launch a domino effect that would help me get my life back on the tracks. You know, get a part time job, move out, and eventually finish college. Is that the answer, though? My hair is very dear to me, it’s how people pick me out of a crowd, it’s how people remember me from a party. It’s also an object of jealousy among girls (that volume, they say!) and a great way to keep warm in the winter.
I’ve been trying to decide if it’s a good idea to keep this ridiculous amount of hair on my head. It’s not just a haircut to me, it’s a heart-breaking change to who I am. This is not an easy decision, by any means! Obviously, the best way to solve this is to ask the internet for advice. I will therefore put up a poll, and the result will help me decide.
The Hair is on the line!
...or maybe I can just blame everything on this guy