Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Musical emotions and other thoughts

There's something about can make you experience a variety of emotions. It's a common technique used in movies. Then again, music can make you insensible to pretty much everything around you. It's not hard to notice these days: everyone has a pair of headphones plugged right into their ears if they're not expecting to engage in any social act of communication. I am part of the phenomenon myself, as I have trouble reading on the bus or in the metro, I'll often decide to take out my mp3 player and put on my headphones. Times passes more quickly, public transportation becomes less awkward. In an attempt to indulge yourself in the comfort of loneliness, are you not insulting our progress as a society and a community? Perhaps are we just preventing ourselves from getting involved with stupid people. They seem to be a common breed in public transportation.

In other news, I've seen live footage of E3, and I have to say Nintendo, as a company, has found the secret route to success, even in this economic crisis we seem to be stuck in. Funny thing is, this year, both Sony and Microsoft decided to copy Nintendo. Every major player in the gaming industry is now into this motion-control business. Funny how the stereotype of a gamer is usually the lazy teenager who just sits around all day, yet the most popular console encourages you to get your ass up and movin'. From my point of view, it started with music-oriented games such as Guitar Hero. Then came Rock Band, with the now iconic drum set. That got many lifeless arms and legs moving again. I don't know if it's a healthy situation for three major companies to be heading in the same direction, although I must admit I'm intrigued with what they'll come up with.

*Warning: Shoe lovers. This part of my post if for you. Shoe haters, carry on.
Have you ever had two or three pairs of new shoes at the same time? If so, how do you decide to manage them? One at a time, until they fall apart, one by one? Separate the amount of time you wear each one so they individually last trice as long? I didn't figure out the best option yet. I feel that I want to keep them new as long as possible, but then, I'll end up scarifying one pair and not wearing the other pairs! This is a terrible dilemma. I might spend endless nights thinking about it.

As I finish typing this, my laptop's music player keeps pumping out good music. Oh yes. Life is good. Rock on people, rock on.


Zeefer said...

If you have multiple of one type of shoe, do one at a time, but if you have different types of shoes, definitely wear the other ones.

matsam said...

Yes, they are different types of shoes. Converse, skate and smaller one.

PrincessK said...

If I have several of the same type of shoe, like sneaker or skate or whatever, I usually will just pick one and wear it until it gets worn out, and then I'll move onto another pair. Of course, if I don't feel like wearing that particular shoe and want to wear one of the other new shoes, I'll go ahead and do that regardless of whether or not the shoe I wear a lot is worn out.

If you're talking about different types of shoes, like sneakers, dress shoes, or boots, then what I do is I just wear whichever I feel like wearing or what goes with my look that day.

matsam said...

they're all shoes you'd wear when it's sunny outside, but not sandals. I recently tried to repair an old pair of Converse shoes I had, just so I don't have to wear out my newer ones, haha