Friday, July 4, 2008

Lazy job - day 4

You guys all know I have one heck of a lazy-ass job. I come in at 6:30am, unlock the school's doors, take off the alarm system and sit my ass on a chair. All. Day. Long.

Well today, I've done more than what they usually ask from me. I was walking slowly in the corridors when I saw the Contractor and the Janitor talking. Suddenly, the janitor started pointing at me. Intrigued, I went closer. The contractor was looking for someone to help him mesure things. Since he's an old fashioned guy, he had an old tape mesure tool. Of course, the young guns in here mesure things with lasers. So I went with him in the basement and we mesured walls together. I have to say, this school's rooms aren't rectangular. No. They have weird angles everywhere. You know what's weird though? This room in the basement, with no windows and far away from any exterior door, will serve as the school's kindergarten. Is it just me or is this a bad idea?

Anyway, now I have nothing to do again, and for a long time. These days I do almost 12 hour shifts because the cool dudes mesuring things with their lasers go home at 6pm.
Thank god I found an ethernet cable running down the wall, plugged into an IP phone. I can always play with my DS or my PSP also. Oh, and I found a tv in the music class the other day. I could plug my PS2 into it, like I did last year, in a different school.

Financially, things are looking good, I'll be getting my first paycheck in...months! Since it happens to coincide with my birthday (the 6th, this Sunday actually), I'm thinking about buying a PS3. The Metal Gear Solid 4 bundle, which includes the 80GB model, for those who care. That would set me back 568$ including taxes, but there's a game with it (two, actually, you can download "Pain" online once you buy the bundle). Besides, with the ridiculous amount of money on my paycheck, I surely can afford it.

Matsam will be on the PlayStation Network very soon. Let's just hope the username "matsam" isn't already taken!

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